I'm now a fourth-year PhD candidate at the National University of Singapore supervised by Prof. Dong Jin Song. I received my Bachelor from Fudan University in 2020.

My research interests lie in robust and trustworthy machine learning techniques. Recently I am interested in AI Agent and LLM.

I'm open to discussion or collaboration. Feel free to drop me an email if you're interested in my research.

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  • 05/2024. I become an MLE intern at ByteDance!
  • 01/2024. I become a research intern at Lenovo working on AI Agent!
  • 11/2023. I was honored to receive the Dean’s Graduate Award from NUS. Thanks Prof. Dong for the nomination and support!
  • 07/2023. Our paper DeepDebugger: An Interactive Time-Travelling Debugging Approach for Deep Classifiers has been accepted to ESEC/FSE 2023!
  • 05/2023. Our paper Thompson Sampling with Less Exploration is Fast and Optimal has been accepted to ICML 2023!
  • 09/2022. Our paper Debugging and Explaining Metric Learning Approaches: An Influence Function Based Perspective has been accepted to NeurIPS 2022!
  • 04/2022. Our paper Temporality Spatialization: A Scalable and Faithful Time-Travelling Visualization for Deep Classifier Training has been accepted to IJCAI 2022!
  • 03/2022. Our paper Inferring Phishing Intention via Webpage Appearance and Dynamics: A Deep Vision Based Approach has been accepted to USENIX 2022!
  • 02/2022. Our paper DeepVisualInsight: Time-Travelling Visualization for Spatio-Temporal Causality of Deep Classification Training has been accepted to AAAI22 with oral presentation (4%)!
  • Xianglin Yang, Jin Song Dong.
    Exploring the Evolution of Hidden Activations with Live-Update Visualization. arXiv, 2024.
  • Xianglin Yang, Yun Lin, Yifan Zhang, Linpeng Huang, Jin Song Dong, Hong Mei.
    DeepDebugger: An Interactive Time-Travelling Debugging Approach for Deep Classifiers. ESEC/FSE 2023 .
  • Tianyuan Jin, Xianglin Yang, Xiaokui Xiao, Pan Xu.
    Thompson Sampling with Less Exploration is Fast and Optimal. ICML 2023 .
  • Ruofan Liu, Yun Lin, Xianglin Yang, Jin Song Dong.
    Debugging and Explaining Metric Learning Approaches: An Influence Function Based Perspective. NeurIPS 2022 .
  • Xianglin Yang, Yun Lin, Ruofan Liu, Jin Song Dong.
    Temporality Spatialization: A Scalable and Faithful Time-Travelling Visualization for Deep Classifier Training. IJCAI 2022 . [code] [website]
  • Ruofan Liu, Yun Lin, Xianglin Yang, Siang Hwee Ng, Dinil Mon Divakaran, Jin Song Dong.
    Inferring Phishing Intention via Webpage Appearance and Dynamics: A Deep Vision Based Approach. USENIX Security 2022 . [code] [website]
  • Xianglin Yang#, Yun Lin#, Ruofan Liu, Zhenfeng He, Chao Wang, Jin Song Dong, and Hong Mei.
    DeepVisualInsight: Time-Travelling Visualization for Spatio-Temporal Causality of Deep Classification Training. AAAI 2022. [oral presentation, 4.5%]. [paper] [video] [code] [website]

Computing 2,
15 Computing Drive, National University of Singapore,
Singapore, 117418

Email: xianglin[at]u[dot]nus[dot]edu

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